I've been having a great time with coconut oil recently. I had a jar sitting in my cupboard for ages and had read about how someone had put a spoon in their porridge (oatmeal) every morning and had started to regain a better memory and as some days I wake up wondering what day it is I thought I'd give it a shot.
Well, after a couple of days I noticed a huge difference so started using it in my baking. Here's my simple flapjack recipe:
170 grams organic oats (whizzed up slightly)
25 grams coconut oil
25 grams non dairy spread
120 grams maple syrup (or honey)
Melt last three ingredients over a low heat then mix with oats. Press gently into a a tin and bake for 20-25 mins on 185 degrees. Cover with foil for first 20 if you don't want them too crispy, I like mine a bit chewy. You can add nuts and dried fruit, I like chopped dates sometimes. Take out and score then let cool before storing in airtight container.