Bauer Nutrition

Monday, March 30, 2009

Birthday Reflections

Sitting here wondering if too much fuss made on your birthday when you're young makes you feel miserable as you get older when less attention is paid to you. Or is it just that each year highlights how old you are getting which adds to the misery?

Either way I used to look forward to them and now I don't. I hate myself on that day, for feeling so sad. I really don't think any amount of attention would change that, in fact the more fuss made the worse I might feel. Though don't quote me on that and ignore it at your peril. I'm not grown up enough yet not to hold grudges...

As it turns out just looking at these thoughts today has turned it all around and for the first time I feel fairly philosophical about the whole thing.

I don't feel any pressure to feel happy today and yet I do.

That's quite neat :)

Happy Birthday me and well done for no tears today. A step closer to being a real grown up?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

A day not just to celebrate and appreciate our own mother (wonderful woman that she is :) but a day for us mothers to reflect on what it means for us too.

Handmade chocolates next to my computer this morning made me smile, she's a wonderful daughter and I'm truly lucky to have her. Funny, creative, intelligent and gorgeous :)

It made me take a look back and feelings of not only love for her arose but guilt also appeared. Guilt for so many things, how I could have done it better, given her more attention when she needed it, made better choices for her and it all got rather jumbled up.

The guilt of her being an only child is enormous though she has always assured me she is grateful for that but if she knows no different how can she tell? I feel a closeness to my two sisters she will never know, ah well, c'est la vie.

And of course I blame myself for her diabetes, there must have been something I could have done, not done, spotted sooner, acted quicker, bleurgh, more useless guilt.

Ok, enough of this, soften and flow, away with the bad feelings, I forgive myself for everything, time to clear the decks for a lovely day together.

Hope you have a good Mothers Day too :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Protect Your Heart and Sleep Better By Following Your Body Clock

I was astonished the other day to hear that you are six times more likely to have a heart attack between 8 and 10am than at any other time.

The reason is that at that time your blood pressure is at its highest, your veins and arteries are at their least flexible and your blood is at its thickest.

Because of these three factors it is a bad time to exercise or exert yourself as your blood pressure may rise even more whereas later in the day, between 4 and 6pm exercise can reduce it by as much as 10%.

Blimey, so I was right, meditation really is the best way to start the day :)

Each part of the body has a clock (which can be seen rhythmically pulsing!) and, as one would expect, light plays a big part in some functions.

Sleeping Better

As we age sleep patterns become more erratic and this has now been put down to lower levels of light being received due to thickening of the lens with age.

Extra and brighter lights inside, or more time spent outside, can immediately remedy this and who knows, maybe that's the reason that a good daily walk encourages sound sleep.

There's also an interesting way to regulate being a lark or an owl. If you want to be able to stay awake later you need to get all your light in the afternoon and wear sunglasses in the morning. Conversely if you want to start being able to get up earlier get as much light as possible in the morning and wear sunglasses in the afternoon. Not quite sure how practical that would be but is worth playing around with.

More Body Clock Highlights

Between 10am and midday you really are thinking at your best as nice amounts of cortisol are being released so it's a good idea to reserve this time for your best work.

At 2pm you are three times more likely to nod off than at 6pm so this is not a good time to be driving and if you are on a long journey be aware of this and take time out, have a coffee, or a quick nap around that time.

Two other points that were interesting were about the absorption of alcohol and food.

The same amount of alcohol consumed lunchtime will have almost double the effect as that drunk later in the day, so bear that in mind.

Also, our insulin decreases as the day wears on so a large meal eaten late in the day really isn't a good idea as the body struggles to metabolise it leaving the blood sugars higher than is optimum. Consistently high blood sugars are not good for the kidneys, eyes and nerves as diabetics know all to well. So a largish breakfast and lunch and a light dinner is healthiest.

A fascinating subject and interesting to see how a few small changes to your routine can protect your health and increase feelings of well being.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pertineri Premium Members Club

I'm supposed to be writing a sales pitch type article to promote the new Pertineri Premium Members Club with its unreleased content, video shows and a chance to get up close and personal to Silvia and me, mastermind with us and help us with our research.

Instead I'm sitting here pondering what it all means and how momentous this occasion is.

It was almost thirteen years ago that Silvia and I first met. Not long after that we started creating excuses to phone each other and chat which quickly turned into daily two hour conversations.

The trainings we organised were simply a cover for our ongoing discussions about the human neurology, the conscious and unconscious mind, how energy and emotions work and on to real magic, how to create reality at will.

We spent years ripping apart the fabric of time and space and putting it back together again, any way we pleased. It was (is) immensely enjoyable above all else :)

Fuelled by our pressing problems, financial and emotional, and our personal iniquities, ideas and patterns came flying fast and were hurriedly written on Silvia's wall as we talked, a monument to our progress, our work together. It was exhilarating. Every day a new discovery. Questions started to be answered but only after the right questions were first found!

The day I realised that our lives were our work was a revelation, I remember exactly when that hit me and my life and how I lived it changed that day.

Silvia and I are such different people with wildly different temperaments, problems and drivers which has made our research all the more interesting and valuable.

Silvia's highly creative mind and relentless search for truth combined with my rabid need to know how, why and what's in it for me has led us into the most extreme areas of esotericism but always with a practical end result. We have always wanted to know how to improve our lives and how we are feeling while investigating the underlying structures of reality.

To have found out just what emotions really are and map the human energy system has been extraordinary and has had repercussions for us personally that have far surpassed our dreams.

EmoTrance was just one tiny pattern on the wall we chose to turn into a step by step useable form and present to the public. Just one of thousands of patterns shared freely with our followers on the lists which is now taught and practised worldwide and has brought blessed emotional relief to thousands.

We have done so much, we could just stop here, satisfied that we have achieved more already than most people think, let alone dream of, in a lifetime, but what would be the fun in that?

We are working differently now, we have dropped the lists and want to concentrate working with an elite group of people to share our work and experiences and test new patterns with us. A unique mastermind group to continue the ongoing research.

These are exciting times and even though we have achieved so much already I feel we are just on the edge of finding more extraordinary secrets and patterns and create momentous time space events.

The new technology available will make masterminding with individuals across the planet easier, and fun too. Who would have thought you could sit in the comfort of your front room and beam a live video show around the world a relatively few short years after faxes seemed like magic?

We're keeping the group small so it's more personal and while this piece hasn't turned out exactly as I expected I invite you to become a member of our club if you know our work.

Our problems will never be solved from the places they originated so join us on this adventure to find new places, new solutions and a whole new way of being.

Pertineri Premium Members Club

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Top Twitter Tip Survey

Please feel free to leave any tips in the comments if you would prefer!

And thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. The test was a success and I can highly recommend using the form in Google docs to create a survey. Excellent :)